Our Top Five Reasons to Visit the Galapagos Soon!
The Galapagos islands should be on a lot of people’s bucket lists. In 1978, it became the first location to be placed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Here we provide our top five reasons to visit the Galapagos soon:
Get Up Close and Personal With Wildlife
The Galapagos Islands offer one the most impressive collections of wildlife in the world. You will see penguins, tortoises, seals, iguanas, sharks, flamingos and many other birds. The animal experience is close and intimate in the Galapagos. Only here can you get so close to wildlife without threatening their environment. Better still, the animals will not be afraid of you and if anything, will be curious about you.
Relax on Pristine Beaches
While you may not know this, the Galapagos has some of the most beautiful beaches anywhere. Between the clear blue waters and the untouched and pristine white sandy beaches, the Islands’ beaches provide great opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, and just relaxing.
Take Amazing Photos for Your Photo Albums
Even if you taking good photos is not your strong suit, the stunning vistas in the Galapagos Islands make it hard to take a bad photo. From beautiful sunsets to volcanoes and animals, there is more than enough to inspire you to compete with National Geographic.
Receive Education and Promote Ecotourism
The Galapagos, is a natural archipelago. It is one of the few places in the world that remains untouched by human development. There is so much to learn here from evolution to natural preservation. The Charles Darwin Research Center on Santa Cruz Island is a can’t miss attraction.
Chill Out and Disconnect
The Galapagos is remote and there are few if any humans around. Technology is limited and if you are looking for a place where you cannot easily be reached, this is it. Cell phones and emails can be made to wait.
These are our top five reasons to travel to the Galapagos Islands Soon. If you are looking for an all-LGBT voyage, check out Source Event’s September 2017 trip here. If you are interested in a different or your own custom trip, please give us a call. (619) 324-1444.