Survival Tips for Holiday Travel
Traveling during the holidays can be stressful even before you have to handle the conversation at the holiday dinner table. Here are some of our top tips for holiday travel to make your holiday travel easier and more pleasant
Stick to a Carry On Bag
If you travel with just a carry on bag, you will save time at baggage check, have more flexibility to fly stand by or handle other changes, and of course save the usual charges accessed on checked baggage.
Leave Yourself Enough Time
The holidays are not the time to cut timing close. The airports will be crowded and other passengers will try to brave the eleventh hour airport approach. Leave yourself some extra time and have a drink or snack at the airport if you have extra time on your hands.
Pack Your Gifts Correctly
Pack your gifts carefully with bubble wrap or towels to protect them and make sure that they fit snugly in your bag so don’t move around and get damaged. Also make sure not to pre-wrap your gifts as the TSA will likely need to unwrap them to inspect them.
Bring Your Holiday Spirit and Smile
Flight attendants and other personnel feel particularly stressed during the holidays. If they are working on a holiday, they are likely away from family and other loved ones. They are handling a large number of passengers who are not always courteous. If you show up with a smile and politeness, you may find yourself upgraded or receiving a complimentary free drink. Regardless, it is the right attitude to have and will be appreciated.
Work Schedule Flexibility to Your Advantage
Holiday flights tend to be the ones most likely to be overbooked. If your work and family commitments allow you a little bit of flexibility, you can often earn flight credits enough to pay for a future trip. We have some clients that have worked this to their advantage.