Our Top Tips To Eat Well and on Budget in Europe
Bon Appetit! Manga! Eating is one of the first thing one thinks of when one heads to Europe. It is no surprise when Julia Roberts experiences the “eat” portion of her eat/pray/love journey in Italy. In addition to Italy, Spain, France, Germany and many other European countries offer equally tempting treats. How can one get to sample all of the great food but not get off of budget? Here are a few of our tips:
1. Stay in a Hotel or an Apartment with a kitchen- Several hotels in many european cities have rooms with refrigerators and microwaves and sometimes full kitchens. If you can have breakfast and an occasional lunch and/or dinner in, you will save money to use when you go out.
2. Have a Picnic-In most european cities, you can have a great picnic for about $10 for two. The freshness of the breads, produce and other food items in Europe, turn even a small picnic, into something special. If you are in Paris, buy and drink wine (which is almost always great and often as cheap as soda) and take your picnic to our favorite Luxembourg Gardens.
3. Eat Items in Season-Europeans know to order the items that are in season and fresh when they go to restaurants. You will eat better and cheaper if you follow their lead.
4. Avoid Touristy Restaurants- See the restaurant that offers American type dishes like hamburgers? See restaurants that have big signs listing tourist menus? These are the restaurants to avoid like the plague. You will eat better and less expensively at those restaurants that are hole in walls with authentic cuisine and frequented by locals.
5. Have Your Big Meals at Lunch-Lunch menus are almost always less expensive than dinner menus at the same restaurants. This is particularly important if you decide to splurge on a Michelin star recipient. We had one of the best meals we have ever had at lunch in Barcelona at a still hefty, but relatively affordable price. We would have paid much more at dinner.
BONUS TIP-Make sure that if you pay by credit card, that you use a credit card that does not impose a foreign transaction fee.